Science Fair: Ojo Publico and Graph Commons meet to share their experience on mapping power networks

On Tuesday, July 5th we will Hangout with the team of Ojo Público, an investigative journalism organization from Peru, who will share with the influence mapping community the process and results of one of the projects that meant a major technological challenge for the organization.

Candidatos y Millones (Candidates and Millions) or #FondosdePapel, is a platform that analyzes ten years of private financing of election campaigns in Peru. The investigation is currently a finalist in two categories of the Data Journalism Awards. The development of the app took an analysis of three million records in spreadsheets, which led the team to learn how to use Neo4j.

During the Science Fair, dedicated to share projects, tools and prototypes about mapping power connections, Nelly Luna (Editor in Chief) and David Hidalgo will share how the team has faced technological challenges for the development of investigative data journalism projects and the organisation’s goals.

We’ll also be joined by Zeyno Ustun and Burak Arikan, who are part of the Graph Commons team. They will be talking about the collaborative network mapping, analysis, and publishing platform for civic, cultural, journalistic research. /span>

About Ojo Público

The organization was founded in 2014 and its first investigation, Cuentas Juradas, about conflicts of interest among the mayors in Lima, was honored with a Data Journalism Award from the Global Editors Network.

Another example of their work is Cuidados Intensivos (Intensive Care), about how pharmaceutical companies and powerful interest groups control health care funding. This investigation awarded the organisation with the National Prize of Journalism and Human Rights, from the largest civil society organization in Peru.

The team was also part of the global investigation, Panama Papers, focusing on Mossack Fonseca’s secrets in Perú.

About Graph Commons

Graph Commons is a collaborative ‘network mapping’ platform and a knowledge base of relationships. You can map relationships at scale and unfold the mystery about complex issues that impact you and your community.

Graph Commons members have been using the platform for investigative journalism, data research, civic activism, strategizing, organizational analysis, systems design, exploring archives, art curating and what not. We believe you will find a unique way to use Graph Commons in your own connected world.

Ojo Público’s presentation:

Graph Commons’ presentation: