Influence Mapping Projects

a HÁLÓ a HÁLÓ exposes the connections between politicians, corporations and politicians and public funds attributed to them
Boletín Boletín Oficial is a database and search tool for exploring contracts related to state budgets and public spending
Cargografías Cargografias allows you to explore the timelines of the electoral mandates of the Argentinian representatives.
China's African spending spree This Al Jazeera investigation highlights African infrastructure financed by China
Connected China Connected China maps out relationships of the Chinese elite power
Contropedia Contropedia provides a resource and tool to analyse and visualise ideological controversies on Wikipedia
Corporation WIki
Corpwatch Croctail CrocTail provides an interface for browsing information about several hundred thousand U.S. publicly traded corporations and their foreign subsidiaries
Dollars for Docs Dollars for Docs shows details of financial payments from pharmaceutical companies to doctors in the US
DueDil DueDil is a paying searchable database which stores data about private companies and their directors
EUCommunity EU Community provides an insight into who is influential in EU Policymaking
Every Politician Every Politician aims to provide data about every politician in the world
Follow The Money Follow The Money is a free and verified archive of contributions to political campaigns in the US
Influence Explorer Influence Explorer lets you browse those who have contributed to US campaign finances
InfluenceMap Influence Map measures and lists corporate influence on climate policy worldwide
InfoAmazonia InfoAmazonia provides stories, news and data about the endangered Amazon region
Investigative Dashboard Investigative Dashboard is an online platform that helps investigators investigators expose illicit ties that cross borders
Justiciapedia Justiciapedia shows the connections between people working within the judicial system in Argentina
K-Monitor K-Monitor hosts a database of online articles revealing corruption and tracking public spending and public procurement in Hungary
La Fabrique de La loi La Fabrique de La loi tracks the evolution of the lawmaking and votation process in the French parliament
LittleSis LittleSis is a free database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government
Lobby Facts Lobby Facts is a repository of information regarding the lobbies present in the Brussels parliament
Lobbyists in Brussels - the social network Lobbyists in Brussels is a social network analysis showing lobbyists and the European Commission
LobbyPlag aims to make complex and opaque democratic procedures within Europe transparent, focussing on data protection legislation
Lobbyradar Lobby Radar uncovers the lobbying groups and private interests in German politics
Map the Banks Map the Banks shows companies licensed to carry out financial activities all over the world
Mapa de Medios Mapa de Medios enables you to browse through lists and information about the media industry in Colombia and Chile
Muckety Muckety reveals connections between wealthy and influential individuals and big corporations in the world
No Ceilings No Ceilings compiles and visualises data on indicators of the participation of girls and women in everyday life
Non Profit Explorer Nonprofit explorer is a database showing the tax returns and financial details of tax exempt organisations
NSA Surveillance Lawsuit Tracker ProPublica's NSA Surveillance Lawsuit tracker lists and gives that status of key lawsuits brought against the National Surveillance Agency for their surveillance activities
Open Charities Open Charities is a web application that allows you to explore basic data about UK charities
Open Corporates Financial Visualizations Open Corporates Financial Visualisation shines a light the complex structures of 7 of the biggest corporations in the world
Open Duka Open Duka is a free repository of data regarding Kenyan ownership information regarding entities, institutions
Open Oil Corporate Networks Open Oil Corporate Networks is an open data system to give an insight into the corporate structures that make up the oil, gas and mining industries
openAFRICA openAFRICA is an independent source for open data on the African continent
OpenCorporates OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies in the world
OpenInterests OpenInterests is a catalogue of political and commercial actors related to the European Union
Parliament Watch
Parliament Watch Uganda
Parltrack Parltrack is a free database of European Union dossiers, comittees meetings and the people who contributed to them
Poderopedia With Poderopedia, you can explore stories and visualize the acquaintances of the elite
Political Memory
Political Party Time Political Party Time tracks the political fundraising circuit one party at a time
Presidential campaigns and staff connections This NYT visualizations allows you to learn more about the work trajectory of the presidential candidates' current staff
Quien Manda Quien Manda documents and maps relationships of the Spanish elite
Resource Contracts Resource contracts is a database of mining, oil and pretroleum contracts from all around the world
Rise Project The RISE Project reveals hidden connections between criminal organizations, politicians and businessmen in and around Romania
Score EP
Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze Secrecy for Sale is a multi-story exploration of data around the global offshore money maze
Siyazana Siyazana is a tool that allows users to investigate connections between the public and private spheres in South African politics
Swiss Leaks The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) analysis of leaked files of one of the world’s most private banks : HSBC
The counted The Guardian created the first online database of police killings in the USA
The Fifa Files The Sunday Times analysis of leaked files from the FIFA exposing one of the biggest scandals of soccer history
The Next to Die The Next to Die sheds light on upcoming executions in US states
The Proxy Platform The Proxy Platform exposes proxy companies used for money laundering by crime lords and corrupt government beaurocrats in Eastern Europe
They Rule They Rule provides glimpses of some of the relationships of the US ruling class
Trade Advisory Commitee and Industry relationships Discover the profiles of the Obama administration's corporate-heavy network of official trade advisers
Who do they Serve Who do They Serve shows relationships within powerful elite systems
Who Owns the Internet in Armenia